Hood River Best Western Wedding: Rob + Brooke

   This wedding at Best Western Hood River was personally so refreshing for me. It was a reminder of why I shoot weddings in the first place. Yes, the schedule was way off, the rain was coming in torrents, and our portrait time was squished into 20 minutes. But despite all these discouraging odds, looking through the photos afterwards, I cried. I'm not a perfect wedding photographer, but what I saw in front of me were tangible, hit-you-to-core moments of love. Relationships of love are the foundation of society- and getting a front row view of this family's love for each other was an incredible privilege. 

Brooke and Rob have a powerful bond, and with all they've endured these past few months this wedding was a beacon of hope.   But before I bore you with the inner ramblings of my head- I'm going to let the photos speak for themselves.