Urban Portland Engagement: Travis + Kelly

The truth is, I love my couples. Looking back at this shoot from last Saturday, I kinda want to do it all over again. Yes, that sounds cheezy, but Travis and Kelly made me laugh so hard it felt like I was gaining years of renewed youth! I know shooting their wedding on June 29th, will be a tremendous delight. Travis and Kelly first met in the hallways of George Fox University as she was leading him about as his orientation leader. Their relationship was completely platonic, even when Kelly started as Travis' accompanist for his vocal scores. The years went by, they graduated, parted ways. On occasion they would reconnect, still good friends "keeping tabs" as they say, but not much in the way of love-birds. Whether Travis had an epiphany or Kelly was looking especially lovely is uncertain,  but one day their friendship mysteriously went the way of many a couple- "hey I actually REALLY like you- and honestly...I never want to live life without you."

And so, love blossomed. And this special kind of love - the foundation laid through years of trust and friendship, becomes like a diamond in your pocket suddenly exposed to the sunshine. It illuminates with a whole new light.

Travis had found his match, as he commented when we were together "after several botched relationships - she was so much easier, she was mature and stable...and happy!"

And happy they are indeed.

We met up at the Ace Hotel and hit the streets, green balloons in tow. (Thank you Lippman co!) From there we parked at the Indigo building for their gorgeous city vistas. Because music was a pivotal part of their friendship and romance for so many years, it was Kelly's suggestion that we shoot near a piano. Lotaf from Michelle's Pianos kindly let us use their space and the results were stunning. SO MUCH LOVE.

Portland Urban engagement

Green Balloons EngagementIndigo Building Engagement Indigo Building EngagementUrban Portland Engagement Indigo Building EngagementUrban Portland EngagementPeal District EngagementPeal District EngagementPiano EngagementPiano EngagementCamera heads: This entire shoot was shot with the 70-200 2.8 and the 35mm 1.8. My 50mm was in the shop and I'm trying to steer away from lenses less than 70mm in portrait work.