Oaks Park Wedding: Travis and Kelly

The excitement was mounting as Kelly arrived that morning, her smile radiating anticipation at seeing her groom. Mom and sisters gathered round and helped her into her dress as Travis waited outside. Oaks Park Dance Pavilion was such a vibrant location, the amusement rides and shouts of happy park visitors filled the air as a cool breeze filtered through the hall. Kelly slipped into her favorite "kelly green" shoes and added the finishing touches to her veil. She was ready.

While Travis initially balked at the idea of seeing his bride beforehand, (something Canadians never do) he gradually warmed up to the idea and the results were definitely worth it. As he held her in his arms, it was obvious-- Travis thinks Kelly is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Their excitement was contagious, you could just feel their intense desire for one another and their mutual love. They both wore "I'm so lucky" smiles all day...even when we couldn't get off the merry-go-round ;) Because they met and fell in love over music, they kept that theme in their wedding, down to the song they had sung and recorded together for their ceremony. Family wiped away the happy tears as their voices in harmony blended a love song to each other.

Cheers to a couple who has had a special place in my heart from the beginning. Blessings to you both and thank you again for the privilege of being a part of this beautiful day. Lots of love- Christa

For more of Kelly and Travi's urban Portland engagement visit Here oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0048oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0001oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0003 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0006oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0007oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0004oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0056oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0018

oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0014oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0012oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0016 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0015oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0011oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0017oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0020oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0045oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0021oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0046oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0057 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0058oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0028oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0029oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0030oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0034 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0033oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0032 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0042 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0041oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0044 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0043oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0051 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0050oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0053 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0049 oaks park wedding photo christa taylor_0047

Enjoy the Slideshow!